BRAND. For lab. For life.®

Environmental and social report 2022 – Sustainability and responsible corporate governance in the Brand Group

The report covers topics such as resources, waste, emissions, water and employees.

Management of raw materials and resources

Environmental protection has always been an important issue for BRAND and the Brand Group. Above all, in relation to what we do for our customers: we pay attention to the use of high-quality raw materials as early as the product development stage in order to minimise wear and tear.


The long life cycle, especially of our liquid handling instruments and volumetric measuring devices, plays an important role for our customers. Our products are pioneers in terms of quality, material-saving design, durability, ease of maintenance and repairability.

Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

With effective and resource-conserving waste management in accordance with the principle of the three Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – we promote the development of a circular economy in which resources are utilised for as long as possible. Waste management is part of our certified ISO 14001 environmental management system and helps to further reduce material consumption and thus disposal volumes. Waste is strictly separated and safely disposed of in co-operation with certified local providers and divided into hazardous and non-hazardous waste in accordance with the Waste Management Act.

BRAND - Tauberhafen
© Raschmi, 500px

Resource-saving drinking water consumption

According to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, our Wertheim site is located in an area of high water stress in which 40 – 80 % of the renewable water supply is used. This means a burden on the environment and a threat to the water supply. We are therefore acutely aware of our responsibility to safeguard the precious resource of water. A well was constructed on the site in order to reduce the use of potable water. This is used to supply water to the restrooms. This saved 514 m³ of drinking water in 2022; this corresponds to 11 % of total consumption.

Energie and emissions

Increasing efficiency in our production and the efficient use of resources in our office buildings is an important factor influencing greenhouse gas emissions. The focus is on the efficiency of our energy-related performance, which we are constantly improving. The principle of the three Rs therefore also plays an important role in energy management. Under the Reduce claim, we aim to reduce energy consumption and under the Reuse claim, to utilise renewable energies. We pursue the third R Recycle by recovering energy (energy recycling).


In order to take the forecast growth into account, we have opted for electrical energy intensity (kWh per EUR million in sales). We will reduce our energy intensity by an average of 4% per year from the base year 2020 to 2030.


We are convinced that environmental protection will be an  important topic in the laboratory of the future, and we plan  to consistently align our corporate strategy accordingly. As part of the Brand Group, we are working closely  with VACUUBRAND and VITLAB in order to collectively and sustainably develop this environmental strategy.

Gina Querengässer

Sustainability Managerin

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